Wednesday, November 1, 2017

150 years, a time to celebrate!

Ottawa is known as the city that fun forgot and while I have had a love hate relationship with it over the years, it does not warrant that title – especially this year!! For those that have been reading my blog (or live in Canada) you now know its Canada’s 150th year. There were two things in particular I did while I was there. The first was an idea people criticized beforehand, because that’s what O-town people like to do . . .complain about anything that might be fun. It turned out to be even more of a draw than Canada Day!!!

It was called La Machine - La Machine are human operated robots from France that put on street art performances. The two characters  that performed in Ottawa were a half horse/half dragon called Long Ma and a spider named Kumo. The story that played out over several days was the spider burns the wings of Long Ma and robs his sacred temple and then the dragon tries to get his things back. The story can be found on the website along with some videos so you can really see the full effect.  

Of course I took some photos but I don't think it will do them justice plus I only got the dragon because there were so many people we didn't make it to the spider. It was way cooler than I thought it would be which I think it was the reaction of the majority of people that went to check it out.

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